Monday, July 13, 2009


As we've discussed in the preceding blog, the Orang Ulu, which conists many minority races, include among others the Kayan, Kenyah, Kelabit, Berawan, Lun Bawang, Penan, Punan and more. These groups of people are lumped under the Orang Ulu communities.

Again, as mentioned previously this name was NOT from these groups of people, but given by ''other" races to them to identify all the people due to the lack of name, or perhaps identity.

But until now these people seem to suffer this identity crisis. There's no specific physical attributes that truly differentiate them from the Chinese, for example, besides their Bahasa Malaysia capability. Others would mistake them for a Chinese, as they easily pass for one.

The name Orang Ulu, according to many people gives the perception of a primitive and backward connotation. Sometimes derogatory! This becomes a problem.

So, change of name is necessary to change that perception.

We'll continue in the next blog...


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